This lack of protection for his work led to Giftfish leaving the site and taking his mods with him. This means that modders would need to completely recreate Giftfish's mods in order to upload them to Nexus Mods, a practice that is completely authorized by the website. Mass Effect Legendary Edition's code is substantially different from the original version of the trilogy, and so it is impossible to simply transfer older mods into the remastered games. The well-known creator's decision was prompted by the revelation that Nexus Mods would not prevent other users from recreating his work. Giftfish, a prominent modder of Bioware's Mass Effect trilogy, recently removed their work from Nexus Mods shortly after the release of Mass Effect Legendary Edition. While Nexus Mods is a go-to mod resource for many gamers, the website has recently made headlines for implementing some divisive new rules and mandates.

Nexus Mods is a particularly popular mod distribution website where creators can upload their work for others to download and enjoy. Both of the Bethesda Game Studios role-playing games are known for their wealth of fan-made modifications and expansions. A renowned Elder Scrolls V: Skyrimand Fallout 4modder is removing all of their work from Nexus Mods.